Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Textbooks Bootlegged on eBAY at $30 profit to PARASITES

It isn't just BEST SELLERS by fat-cats like E.L. James and George R.R. Martin that get the EPUB MOBI treatment on EBAY.

How about those EXPENSIVE textbooks?

Isn't that UNFAIR? So much money for a TEXTBOOK?

"Information should be free!" No, wait, how about a kindly EBAY parasite selling the PDF for a bargain price?

You hear it all the time.

Some TEXTBOOK writer and publisher charging so much? That's outrageous.

Right, it's outrageous that some writer worked for all those years of school and graduate school to become an expert, and another five years or whatever to research, analyze, and even supply new information on an obscure subject that MIGHT be of interest to a few hundred people.

Gee, if he sold his book for $10 and he made $1,000 or so, that's enough, isn't it?

He should keep his day job and write the book all night and all weekend.

Then, getting $10 a copy, for selling to a few specialized schools and libraries, well, that's ENOUGH. He's got his fame and prestige, what does he want with MONEY?

That's the thinking behind this Texas Turd who figures copying books is a skill.

Even the most obscure topic can be AND USUALLY IS a victim of EBAY PIRACY.

While GOOGLE is slowly being forced to stop directing searches to known bootleg forums and torrents (and perhaps their own BLOGSPOT blogs loaded with Freakyshare links), EBAY remains the easiest place to find book bootlegs.


Fans of authors, book lovers, and those who care about Mom and Pop stores and libraries, should always know that ads that say "link will be sent to your email address" CAN be taken down just by hitting the "report this item" link, and following the drop-down menu to "listing violation...digital delivery."

The quicker the items are removed, and the faster the suspension, the better.

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