Wednesday, May 10, 2017


"Yeeee hah!" say bidders. They LOVE bootleggers giving them bargains.

Do they realize authors are being cheated? Do they care? Does EBAY?

This seller has ALL the latest books at a bargain price. Even the new one on Hillary Clinton.

It LOOKS like a legit seller. It's on a legit website. So what's wrong?

LOOK at all the HAPPY BIDDERS who bought bootlegs and are ready to buy MORE from this parasite:

What do you get from all this? That some authors and publishers have their heads up their asses?

That eBay is a criminal outfit aiding and abetting in obvious fraud, and that they make sure that "report item" takes forever, and that "phone support" says "not to worry" and does nothing?

I direct your attention to a short story called "Leinengen vs the Ants." The author of THAT story knew just what kind of damage ants, termites and parasites can do.

Friday, May 5, 2017

How EBAY and PAYPAL cheat AUTHORS via Sri Lanka scumbags

Well, what have we here?

It's a Sri Lanka scumbag PRETENDING to be in Alabama of all places. And this scumbag is bootlegging Danielle Steel, Steve Berry, John Sandford, C.L. Box, and several others.

Doesn't EBAY or PAYPAL care that they are aiding and abetting a craven creep selling counterfeits?


If they can get fifty cents off this weasel's $3.99 they are ecstatic.

That's how nickel-and-dime these Internet giants really are.

If they had morality and/or guts they'd make sure the Sri Lanka cartel of scumbags was DONE.

Instead of bland form letters, would say, "Yes, we are making sure that the Sri Lanka scumbags can no longer use credit carts on PayPal."

Ebay phone support would be saying, "We are comparing notes on all these fake identities and we are going to make sure where their ISP is and block them. We will INSTANTLY suspend Sri Lanka scumbags who pretend to be in the U.S.A. and claim "Alabama" or "New York" in their ad copy. We will also make sure that when you use "report item" the item is actually REMOVED within 24 hours, so these weasels can't keep making sales."

Right now, the toothless DMCA laws in America continue to allow Internet giants to do as they please.

Ebay does not have to police their own site. Ebay can stab American authors in the back all day long, and giggle from their hideout compounds in San Jose and Draper, Utah. If they get a "report item" request for action, they can sit on it. If they get a takedown from an author or a publisher, they will reluctantly remove the item but give the seller a dozen chances to keep right on selling: "We give a warning, er, then another warning, er, then another warning, then we may restrict them for a day, then a week, then a month, then there may be a temporary suspension..."

Think the BEA convention is going to have a panel discussing this? Think the unions for writers are doing anything? Do you think that the publishers of books are any smarter than the record industry jackasses who let the music industry die and the record stores close? How many bookstore chains are thriving and healthy these days?

EBAY and PAYPAL are thriving and healthy these days. And a few foul-smelling toothless Sri Lankans are giddy with joy that they can keep right on sucking the blood out of American authors.