Thursday, September 27, 2018

"AMAZING. SO HAPPY" to rape E.L. James? With EBAY's HELP?

As pudgy E.L. James would tell you, there are various ways to abuse and dominate women, even in this "Me Too" era. Tiger Woods is a master at it. He engages in "rough sex," and when he goes too far, the woman simply takes her Band-Aids and her aspirin and walks away. Consensual.

RAPE by definition is NOT consensual.

RAPE by definition is taking something from somebody else. It's not just physical. It takes away trust, faith, and even hope. It's a betrayal. It's done with malice and selfishness.

The word has been used in many contexts, and it can be used in this one: the bootlegging of E.L. James' books, and the works of Ruth Ware and several other women. When you take from a woman, what else do you want to call it? Does it have to be violent? Rapists have acted while the victim was drugged. It's happened without the victim even being sure it's happened.

Does pudgy E.L. James know she's being used on eBAY? Does Ruth Ware? Pudgy E.L. James might be the kind of woman who really doesn't care one way or the other. That doesn't mean the guy should get away with it, or do it to other women who might just have a little more intelligence and morality.

Here's some POSITIVE FEEDBACK on an eBay seller who eBay claims to have "warned," over and over for what, a year now? TWO? "Oh, we give a warning. Then we give another warning. I see this account has had a lot of warnings. Not to worry. We will send out another warning."

EBAY protects the identities of the bidders, so we don't know who is "SO HAPPY" with getting a bootleg of one of pudgy E.L. James' moronic badly written "books." The point isn't whether you rape a bag lady or a princess. It's wrong. Does eBay understand this?

YES AND NO. Ebay has said, "Yes, we have a rule against selling digital downloads. But we have MILLIONS of auctions. We don't always have the time to remove auctions reported to us." Stealing and copying an author's book is a low priority to them. What the hell, pudgy E.L. James is worth millions. A nickel and dime Canadian creep pulling in three bucks (after Paypal and eBay take THEIR percentage) is no big deal. Don't say it's "the principle" of thing. It's not like writing is so difficult.

Here's the ad:

No, it's hard to feel sympathetic toward a moron like pudgy E.L. James, or her trailer-trash fiction that suggests women really do want to be abused and assaulted because it's so ROMANTIC. It's hard to feel sorry for a bottom feeder who is even worse than the usual "bodice ripper" garbage that some women read with such delight (even if they wouldn't want to be "ravished" in reality).

But how about her sister authors? ME TOO to RUTH WARE and RACHEL ANDERSON and...

ALL these women should be saying, " don't TAKE FROM ME. You don't USE ME. You don't MAKE ME YOUR WHORE when you PIMP MY BOOKS AND TAKE ALL THE MONEY."

IT's the PRINCIPLE of the thing. And yet, EBAY has continued to ignore this seller's multiple violations, like some addled judge who decides there's no reason to charge a rapist time after time after time...and then when a case does come to trial, says "probation."

This seller has been caught and STILL not been given a restriction, warning or suspension that has made him STOP.

The seller here is a cheap, penny-ante pimp-minded sociopath. WHAT IS EBAY's EXCUSE? What is PAYPAL's excuse? And where are the publishers and their Web Sheriffs and Digimarc Guards to see to it that their artists are protected? Pudgy E.L. James is living in a bubble (appropriate for someone that looks like one). Any email to her website goes unanswered and anyone using social media to point out these abuses is blocked. There's always the woman who doesn't press charges against her rapist, and waits for her sisters to do it for her, with a ME TOO and a ME TOO and a ME TOO.

Perhaps RUTH WARE and RACHEL ANDERSON and the others will be the ME TOO chorus that doesn't include dumb pudgy E.L. James.

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Huh? It's "READ A BOOK A DAY" day on TWITTER? As opposed to "PIZZA DAY" or "FRITOS DAY" or the rest of the crap they throw on that idiot site.

Yes, yes.

How noble. Dozens are getting on their soap boxes to proclaim (how controversial) that they LIKE BOOKS.

Some, who aren't quite clever enough to write something original, dig into Bartlett's or some Google site of BRAINY QUOTES, and post some fine words about the joys of cracking open a book.

Meanwhile, in this digital age, EBAY weasels are happily STEALING from authors and publishers.

They offer cheap illegal downloads and make MORE per book than the AUTHORS would in royalties.

Like this:




Slimy Sandro the illegal Kindle/Nook peddler has plenty more.

So do his sneaky conniving pals, like THIS bastard:


These pricks get lots of NICE comments.


A lot of bidders on eBay figure if something is on the site, it MUST be LEGIT. Neil Gaman and Georgie R.R. and pudgy E.L. James and activist genius Rowling and big hulking freakish Stephen King must ALL be getting royalties on this shit.

But they're not.

NOT only that, piracy hurts bookstores, libraries, and authors. Oh, maybe not THE KING or the fabulous James Patterson, but it sure hurts the mid-list authors. They're the ones who get told by the publishers, "Sorry, we can't give you a big royalty. Dwindling book sales, you know. Uncertain market, you know. PIRACY, you know."

Know what publishers do about PIRACY? You know? Mostly NOTHING.

Publishers do very well for themselves. At best, they'll hire some Web Sheriff-type company to patrol the blogs and forums and knock off bootlegging of their MOST RECENT TITLES. After a month? Nah, not worth it to pay these people to file DMCA's.

EBAY? They hardly bother at all. Ebay is the easiest place to send a DMCA.

How do I know? I rep more than a dozen famous name friends of mine. I'm friends. I don't charge. It takes me a minute.

And yet when I tell publishers they should hire an intern, or have a "report piracy" link that WORKS, or that I can reduce eBay book piracy by at least 50% and will do it FREE...they refuse. They are in control. With their heads up their asses. Or vaginas.

It angers me. A LOT.

As the author of 19 books, it ANGERS ME.

It's bad enough people are getting more illiterate. It's bad enough that various Gutenberg-type sites give away every public domain book (and plenty that aren't). We need blatant piracy on EBAY?

Ebay says "we're just a venue." They say "Yes, it IS illegal to offer books as downloads BUT...we don't patrol the site. YOU have to tell US."

What they've also told me, privately, is that book piracy is such a low piracy that if you do "REPORT LINK" (there's a hot link in every eBay ad for this) they might not get around to it, because "we have so many auctions, and many involve more serious violations of our rules."

They also give idiots like SANDRO CAMARO warnings, and warnings and warnings. Ebay can be very nice to their sellers, even nickel and dime morons like Camaro:

"We stop the auction and give an electronic warning. Then another. Then another. If the seller does not comply, we may restrict the number of auctions. We may then suspend them for a day. Then a week. Then a month. Then, perhaps, permanently."

Meanwhile the seller and EBAY and PAYPAL share the illegal profits. Heh heh.



Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, James Patterson and a few others...if they had a friend or a fan send in a DMCA (you don't need to be a lawyer) the pirates would disappear. A formal DMCA carries weight. It gets sellers suspended faster.

I know this because I've been a VERO rep for 15 years (Verified Rights Owner Rep). Violations on my actress friends, my comedian friends, etc., shrink to almost nothing within a week. Maintenance is a couple of minutes a week or a month after that.

If a big publisher like Doubleday-Dell-Penguin-Birdbrain assigned an intern to handle this, the weasels in Sri Lanka, Albania, Canada etc would run away and never come back.

MY STANDING OFFER is I will rep any author being bootlegged on eBay. FREE.

I do this because it doesn't take a lot of time. Call it my "doing something for charity." My "paying it forward." You name the cliche.

I don't tell people who I rep. No strings are attached to this. The copyright or intellectual property owner is free to choose somebody else any time. No contracts.

All I need is a signed letter (snail mail or email) or authorization. And then: NO MORE PIRACY. Usually a fast suspension for the seller who NEVER comes back. If they try, I have records of who they are and where they are, and they are knocked off again. THEN they don't come back. Ebay and Paypal require a fresh credit card, name and address every time. That also helps.

GET VERO PROTECTION. Be your own VERO rep. OR, use me, as I know all the search tricks. Somebody doesn't put EBOOK in the header, and sneaks the words "download" on the photo and not in the text? I find the illiterate weasel anyway.

If you want my help, just send an email to CYKOTTICK at HOTMAIL.COM. Or contact VERO@EBAY.COM to find out more about the program.

The "wild wild Internet" should not include the easily accessible high profile sales on EBAY. This is where people should buy the actual hardcover book. If not, they can get a REAL download at ITunes or Amazon. Or if they can't afford it, go to the library, where every click of the turnstile helps them help others.