Not literally. But he's now a NARU, which is eBay-speak for "Not a Registered User."
This greedhead was selling knock-offs on any best-selling author he figured wasn't paying attention.
This included the usual suspects like obese masochist hack-writing fool E.L. James.
This seller was warned via PM's. As in:
"You do NOT own copyright as you claim. You WILL be suspended if you keep at it. Why risk losing your chance on selling those $200 sneakers you're offering, or buying more of the underwear you've just bought, just to rip off an author's royalty and sell a $1.83 download?"
Well, some people are sociopaths.
Or stupid.
The point is, if authors and publishers are offended at people using the "I own copyright" caveat on eBay, there's good news. The auctions end. The sellers do get suspended. This is not "whack-a-mole." On eBay it's not easy to get another account and do it over again.
Keep selling Harper Lee, or Charles Duhigg, and you won't last long. You get a warning. Keep at it and you get a suspension.
So PARSBE11 was exposed for being a liar, and paid the price. All the auctions had the same obnoxious disclaimer, which eBay should STOP allowing.
The good thing here, is that authors and publishers who take action can be proud of not only looking out for themselves, but others, too. This includes some who aren't aware that eBay, the biggest auction site on the Net, hasn't yet tightened up its rules and regulations to prohibit ridiculous disclaimers. That eBay is NOT Amazon and does NOT have download sales. That eBay's authors who claim to have some excuse for putting everybody's best-seller on a CD-R or DVD-R are just parasites.
Goodbye PARSBE11. And thanks to the authors and publishers who actually DO own copyright.
It's easy to get a parasite squashed on eBay. It takes less than a minute for a copyright owner (or anyone authorized by the copyright owner) to send the auction number to That's all it takes. Almost anyone can do it, except, I guess, a porcine illiterate like E.L. James, who probably gets a masochism-griven orgasm every type she reads a bootlegger's line "I own copyright" on her books.